Saturday, November 11, 2006

a word I don't like

I have a word I don't like or I hate.

I don't want to hear and say it.

because hearing it, I feel sad.

It is "the LAST".

It means almost final.

I gave a class with some universitymates in an elementary school the day before yesterday.

We do so there three times.

This was the LAST class we gave there.

That means I can't give any class any more.

I feel so sad.

I want to teach them English much more.

When I said "This is last question." then, I feel that it is real.

I am anxious whether I was able to convey fun of learning English or not.

I go to there every Tuesday. But I cannot teach English. I teach math and p.e.

I can meet children in the elementary school Tuesdays.

But someday, parting of us is going to come.

"The LAST" I go to there is going to come too.

"The LAST" would be with parting.

So, I don't like the word "the LAST".

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